You've been You’ve seen ads for newer, faster,

 cheaper PC's as low as $499

Is now the time to "Bite the Bullet"?


Take this Quiz

Þ Does your PC seem really slow?

Þ Are you unable to use new software solutions to make you more productive?

Þ Are there new peripherals (scanners, sound cards, video camera) you want?

Þ Have your friends, associates, competition been doing things you can't?

Þ Is your hard drive almost full?

Þ Have you been afraid to get on the Internet to email instead of faxing?

Þ Do you want to print in color or move up to high-speed laser printer?



If you answered "yes" to any or all of the above questions, the time has come buy a new PC.  It is far wiser to make an investment in a new PC than try to upgrade


Purchasing the PC is the easy part; integrating it into your environment requires professional support.


Call Qualogy Enterprises to setup an appointment.  We have successfully helped dozens of clients utilize their new computer quickly and efficiently        

                                Jon Sussman

  305 932 2249

Qualogy Enterprises, Inc.

                            305 932 2249